10 Money-Saving Healthy Food Tips

Unfortunately, many people are turning to convenient, unhealthy foods as they are seemingly a lot cheaper than healthy items. People all over the world are struggling with debt problems, and purchasing expensive fruit and vegetables just doesn’t feel like a viable option for many.

However, our goal is to help you eat healthily without breaking the bank, which is why we’re offering 10 healthy food tips that can save you money and improve your diet.

  1. Frozen Fruit

Seasonal produce such as raspberries and blueberries can be expensive – and can significantly impact your shopping budget. Our advice is to opt for frozen fruit over fresh, as you’ll receive all the goodness of the fruit without the expensive price tag.

  1. Skip Pre-packaged Salad

Pre-packaged salad tends not to last as long as heads of lettuce, and should therefore only be bought for convenience. You could get a few extra days by skipping the pre-packaged option and save yourself a bit of cash.

  1. Grown Your Own

Growing your own fruit, vegetables or herbs is a great way to reduce your weekly food bill, and you can eat fresh produce every day of the week! There’s plenty of tips online to help you get started, and it can become a new and interesting hobby. Give it a try.

  1. Canned Fish

Fish is packed full of essential nutrients that our bodies need to stay fit and healthy, such as omega-3. If you don’t have enough money to spend at a fish counter, you should pick up some canned fish that’ll offer the same nutrients. Cheap and tasty, they’re a great way to ensure the whole family eats well without hurting your bank balance.

  1. Buy in Bulk

Stores such as Costco offer great bulk deals on essential healthy items – so you could save yourself a whole lot of cash by buying bigger. While it might seem more costly than a standard bag from a supermarket, you can rest assured it will save you some cash in the long run.

  1. Stock Up On Sale Items

Supermarkets offer different bargains every few weeks, so it’s worth doing your homework before you do a shop. Is there any meat on sale? Maybe there’s a buy-one-get-one free bargain on offer that you could take advantage of. Pick up an in-store leaflet or look online for the best supermarket deals.

  1. Buy Seasonal Produce

The price of fruit and vegetables will vary depending on when they’re in season; therefore, only buy produce that’s in season, as it’s bound to be cheaper. Whilst you might love nothing more than a juicy peach, you might enjoy a sweet slice of pineapple, too. Little changes like this will make a big difference to your purse and you can still eat healthily.

  1. Check the Reduced Section

There’s no shame in looking at the reduced section. In fact, it’s the smart thing to do. Many supermarkets throw away items once they’re sell-by date is nearly up or if it’s a little damaged, when you could benefit from them. Remember, fruit, vegetables and meat can always be frozen. So see if there are any bargains to be had next time you go shopping!

  1. Portion Control

We’re a nation of wasters. Think about how many times you’ve scraped big cuts of meat or vegetables off your plate. By learning to control portion sizes, you’ll cut down on food waste and limit the amount of rubbish you put into the bin.

  1. One-Pot Meals

One pot meals are a superb way to save money whilst eating well. Not to mention they’re incredibly easy to prepare. You can make large meals using simple ingredients, such as vegetables, meat and some seasoning. Make everything from curries, stews, soups and casseroles. You can even freeze it for future meals!

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