Category: Diet

Is Running the Best Exercise For Losing Weight?

Is Running the Best Exercise For Losing Weight?

If you’re asking yourself whether or not running is the best exercise for losing weight, you have come to the right place. It’s really quite simple to answer this question. Let me tell you about a few ways in which this is possible. Running is a great way to burn fat. That’s right, even if...

by 23rd September 202023rd September 2020
4 Tips For Staying Within A Healthy Weight Range During Pregnancy

4 Tips For Staying Within A Healthy Weight Range During Pregnancy

The average woman can expect to gain at least 35 pounds during pregnancy, which is the recommended amount.  There are plenty of women, however, who surpass this amount.  They may find themselves perplexed wondering how they could have possibly stayed within that range under the circumstances.

10 Habits Affecting Your Diet Plan

10 Habits Affecting Your Diet Plan

Losing weight is never easy. In fact, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication. However, many of us often fall into the same old routine when trying to reach our target weight and then wonder why we couldn’t shift the pounds. So, if you’re guilty of any of the following, it’s time to...

How to build muscle..and keep it!

How to build muscle..and keep it!

We all want to achieve the perfect body, whether that is by toning up or bulking up. If you dream of building muscle and strength, but are finding it a little difficult, the following tips might be just the thing you need to achieve your desired frame. Plenty of Protein If you want to build...

10 Money-Saving Healthy Food Tips

10 Money-Saving Healthy Food Tips

Unfortunately, many people are turning to convenient, unhealthy foods as they are seemingly a lot cheaper than healthy items. People all over the world are struggling with debt problems, and purchasing expensive fruit and vegetables just doesn’t feel like a viable option for many. However, our goal is to help you eat healthily without breaking...

10 Foods that Should Never Pass Your Lips

10 Foods that Should Never Pass Your Lips

We all want to maintain a healthy diet, but it can be hard to identify what’s good or bad for us. So many products are full of hidden calories, fat and sugar and this will only cause weight gain. For this reason, we’ve created a list of 10 foods you should try to avoid. Bagels...